Open Beta - We Build In Public!

🌱Grow, 💡Innovate, 🏆Succeed

Sparkitup is a Visual AI Coach designed to help you brainstorm solutions for personal and work challenges.

Try It Now - No Login Required

Start brainstorming - No sign-ups, no commitments.

The Board

What's In a Sparkitup Board?

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What You Can Achieve

Got a Challenge? Let's Think Up Solutions Together!

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Personal and Professional Growth

If you want to grow and get better in your personal and work life.

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Health and Lifestyle

If you're aiming to feel better, both in your body and mind.

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Family and Relationships

If family and friends matter a lot to you, and sometimes things get tricky.

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Creativity and Leisure

If you love being creative or just enjoying your hobbies.

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Financial Empowerment

If you're thinking about how to manage your money better, invest, or deal with debts.

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For Good Challenges

If you're driven to do good for the community and the planet.

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Entrepreneurship and Startups

If you're starting your own thing or growing your small business.

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Corporate and Business Strategy

If you're leading or managing in a bigger company.

Who uses Stormz?

"Insanely Effective at Shaping Genuinely Useful Ideas!"

I tested Sparkitup for developing a new business proposition. It was a thought experiment and the platform was insanely effective 😂 at creating and shaping genuinely useful ideas that will definitely be used.

Also, I love the interface - very dynamic. The whole thing felt slick and mature.

Photo of Dr Carrie Goucher

We're Open, Try It Now!

Try It Now! No Account Required

Improve Your Life or Your Biz - No sign-ups, no commitments.

Why You'll Love It

Sparkitup vs ChatGPT: Beyond Text-Based AI

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Instant Start!

Click to generate, drag'n drop to reorder - no need to know prompt engineering or brainstorming methods.

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Visual Thinking

See your ideas come to life in an intuitive visual format, unlike ChatGPT's text-only responses.

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Tailored for You

Generate a board designed just for your challenge, with custom structure and prompts to kickstart your creativity.

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Your Ideas, Amplified

Lead the way with your insights while integrating AI-powered suggestions.

Questions You Might Have

Everything You've Ever Wondered About Us

What is Sparkitup? What is a Visual AI Assistant?

Sparkitup is a project, "built in public", created by Alex and Paul. The same micro team behind Stormz a powerful workshop facilitation platform.

The objective is to build a Visual AI Assistant that can help anyone tackle their life challenges in a creative way. Contrary to chatGPT, which is text based, Sparkitup is based on visual thinking and has a structured approach to tackling a challenge.

Is this Visual AI Assistant right for me?

Try it, it's free! Sparkitup is designed for anyone looking to generate fresh and unique ideas for personal, professional, and business challenges. Just give it a challenge and start brainstorming.

What technology powers the AI in Sparkitup? Is my data safe?

We are using OpenAI's APIs. In a nutshell, OpenAI will not use data submitted via their API to train or improve their models and any data sent through the API will be retained for abuse and misuse monitoring purposes for a maximum of 30 days, after which it will be deleted (unless otherwise required by law).

In any case, please read their TOS before using AI features.

What is the pricing structure?

Sparkitup can be used free of charge and we stand by our promise to keep a free version indefinitely.

As we are in beta, all features are available for free. However, we will be introducing a premium tier in the near future with enhanced capabilities and added benefits.

Here's a sneak peek into some of the premium features we're considering:

  • Access to the more advanced GPT-4 Turbo and Dall-E3 (GPT-3.5 and Dall-E2 for the free plan).
  • Ability to customize the AI prompts for columns, cards, descriptions and images.
  • Advanced features to be determined.

Do I need to provide my credit card details? Do I need to sign-up?

Nope! No credit card needed and no sign-up is required. We want to make it super easy for anyone to test Sparkitup.

Though, to avoid abuse we do limit the amount of AI content generated as an anonymous guest. You will need to sign up to generate more content and to be able save your session.

Can I use Sparkitup without the AI?

The AI assistant is needed to create a board customized to your challenge. But, once the board has been created, you can choose to use Sparkitup without the AI features. It's all about enhancing your creativity, not replacing it.

How do I export my data from Sparkitup?

Sorry, not right now. Soon, you will be able export your content in CSV, Word, or Excel formats.

Wait, I have more questions!

I am here for you! If you have any questions or need help along the way, feel free to reach out to me (Alex) on LinkedIn. It will be my pleasure to help you.